The Works

The Works

Experience top-notch service and exceptional results with our complete brake caliper re-manufacture refurbishment service. We go above and beyond to ensure first-class service and the highest standard of work. Our quality work process includes thorough cleaning, inspection, and replacement of worn parts, as well as professional painting and airbrushing services. Throughout the entire refurbishment process, we keep our customers fully informed and updated.

What's Included?

1) Stripped: Old hardware is removed and assessed for repair or replacement.
2) Cleaned: Chemically cleaned to remove old grease and fluids.
3) Preparation: Holes are blocked up for shot blasting.
4) Shot Blasted: Blasted to bare metal with alloy oxide media and smoothed.
5) Primer: Sanded and primed for the best finish.
6) Paint: A range of colors and finishes available with logo stenciling options.
7) Testing: Rebuilt with high-grade grease, new bleed screws, and double-checked seals. Thoroughly function and pressure tested.
8) Shipped: Carefully packaged and photographed, ready for shipping.

Blue Brembo Calipers
Custom Gap Daniels Caliper

Is Caliper Maintenance Important?

Caliper maintenance is a critical part of keeping your brakes healthy and safe for use on the roads. Brakes are serviceable like many other aspects of your car, though unfortunately calipers aren't treated with the same caution. Over time, calipers can stick, seals can become worn and weep brake fluid and their effectiveness does generally degrade over time. That's why it's important to keep your calipers well serviced. They can also play a large part in keeping your vehicle looking fresh, and increase resale value as they can add a nice touch to any cared for vehicle.

Do You Do Everything In House?

Absolutely. We believe the best way to ensure a high quality of service is to ensure that everything is completed in house. This way, we can be sure the word completed is to the highest of standards on such a vital part in keeping you safe on the roads. From sourcing parts to having them made to order. From removing seized bleed nipples to a custom finish. We do it all.

Do You Offer A Warranty?

As part of our great service promise, all work carried out by ourselves is guaranteed for 4 years. This is to give you peace of mind and helps us to upkeep our standards. We don't want our name putting to sub-standard work, that's why we guarantee satisfaction from every job. If you're unsure of what our guarantee covers, either drop us a message or give us a call and we'll be happy to walk you through it.